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1 Jan 11, 2007 13:37    

Hi, would like to display some titles from my posts under the Categories
in my side bar instead of only a number like (articles 15).

Is there same way to get that to work on skin Nescafe?

somebody knows?

thanks in advance

2 Jan 13, 2007 10:17

If somebody could give me please some indication.

Since I'm new to that whole thing and don't know much about php,css
and so on I've to ask for your help pleeeease.

I would like to display some titles from my posts under the Categories
in my side bar instead of only a number like (articles 15).

Is there same way to get that to work on skin Nescafe?

somebody knows?

Aside from the above item I would also like to insert some icons for RSS
like that one from Feedburner, My Yahoo to my sidebar, and also an email link for post updates by email and a shoutbox written in php to my all blog
I tried to do that following the post
to insert adsense but it doesn't works, there appears nothing after inserting my codes.
Can that be because I edited with Notepad?

Another thing I don't know is where, in which folder, I should upload a robot.txt page?
My b2ev application is 1.8.6

A lot of things but without you help I'm lost :'(
greetings and thanks in advance

3 Jan 13, 2007 12:58

Hi bwerner. As a general rule, if no one answers your question it's because no one knows the answer to your question. Would it have been better if someone had replied with "I don't know how to make the categories section of the sidebar be a list to recent posts in each category"?

The next thing is fairly easy, but probably not until you have your "aha!" moment and understand how it all works. Basically here's the deal: PHP lives on your server and writes html pages when your visitors want one. That's it. So adding links to your sidebar is really pretty easy, now that you know php is nothing more than a server-side language that generates html on the fly. You can actually ignore using php if you want, but getting to know it a bit isn't hard and will pay off over time. Anyway open up your skins/yourskin/_main.php file and read through it a bit. Some of the stuff is comments, some of it is php, and some of it is plain old html.

This would be a LOT easier with a link to your blog by the way. Whatever.

So in your _main.php file you'll probably start to figure out "hey this bit of code must make that piece of the web page happen". When you start to realize that stuff the forum topic you referenced will make more sense because you'll say to yourself "if I add a div with a class I can stick stuff in the div and it'll show on my web".

Anyway here's an idea for you. Try to add something simple like a "hello world" in your sidebar. Make it be in a div and give it a title of something like "here we go". After that everything gets really easy. For example adding an image link to one of those weird feedburner thingies is just a matter of, well, adding a link. First though you've got to be comfortable with what's happening in there, so read through the file and you'll see it's not crazy or alien. In fact it's pretty easy to make sense of it without ever bothering to learn all the gory details of how it all comes together.

Oh and ditch notepad. It's pathetic for editing anyting other than a note. My favorite FREE editor is HTML-kit. Google that and download it then install it, and you'll groovy color-coding for the different types of php or html stuff. It makes it a LOT easier to learn your way through your blog app.

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