1 sammymaudlin Jan 16, 2007 05:29
3 edb Jan 16, 2007 14:03
Hey I know you didn't ask, but I'm answering anyway. The color you use for unvisited links against your background hurts my eyes.
4 sammymaudlin Jan 16, 2007 16:21
You the man EdB! I would never have found that on my own.
Regarding "The color you use for unvisited links against your background hurts my eyes." ... You should have seen it when I used the same color for ALL the text!
Easy breazy champ. First figure out if your skin has the full _linkblog.php file or the partial one. It's easy: the partial has a bunch of "if (! issetblah blah blah) lines THEN calls a file from the skins directory. The full one, which will always be in the skins directory, has the same "if ! isset" stuff AND has a bunch more stuff instead of calling another file.
So let's hack! Find something that looks like this:
Now make it be like this: If you want to go one step further and make sure your linkblog never displays text from the actual post, try this: Groovy eh?If you have the shortie then you probably want to move the full one into your skin, being careful that the "if ! isset" stuff from the skins/yourskin version remains unchanged.
If your skin has the shortie and you don't care if every skin does it the new way then just edit the file in the skins folder.
If your skin already has the full one then you're ready to hack.[/list:u]