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1 Jan 16, 2007 05:29    

2 Jan 16, 2007 13:40

Easy breazy champ. First figure out if your skin has the full _linkblog.php file or the partial one. It's easy: the partial has a bunch of "if (! issetblah blah blah) lines THEN calls a file from the skins directory. The full one, which will always be in the skins directory, has the same "if ! isset" stuff AND has a bunch more stuff instead of calling another file.

  • If you have the shortie then you probably want to move the full one into your skin, being careful that the "if ! isset" stuff from the skins/yourskin version remains unchanged.

  • If your skin has the shortie and you don't care if every skin does it the new way then just edit the file in the skins folder.

  • If your skin already has the full one then you're ready to hack.[/list:u]

  • So let's hack! Find something that looks like this:
    	while( $Item = $LinkblogList->get_item() )
    		echo $linkblog_item_before;
    		echo ' ';
    		$Item->content( 1, 0, T_('more'), '[', ']' );	// Description + more link
    		echo ' ';
    		$Item->permanent_link( '#icon#' );
    		echo $linkblog_item_after;
    Now make it be like this:
    	while( $Item = $LinkblogList->get_item() )
    		echo $linkblog_item_before;
    		echo ' ';
    		$Item->content( 1, 0, T_('more'), '[', ']' );	// Description + more link
    		echo $linkblog_item_after;
    If you want to go one step further and make sure your linkblog never displays text from the actual post, try this:
    	while( $Item = $LinkblogList->get_item() )
    		echo $linkblog_item_before;
    		echo $linkblog_item_after;
    Groovy eh?

3 Jan 16, 2007 14:03

Hey I know you didn't ask, but I'm answering anyway. The color you use for unvisited links against your background hurts my eyes.

4 Jan 16, 2007 16:21

You the man EdB! I would never have found that on my own.

Regarding "The color you use for unvisited links against your background hurts my eyes." ... You should have seen it when I used the same color for ALL the text!


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