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1 Jan 18, 2007 06:11    

We are building a Glossary on our blog as one of the Categories. When we use a specific term we'd like to link to that paricular entry post. In html that would be an anchor link. Anything like that here?

2 Jan 18, 2007 06:26

Actually [url=]all links are anchors[/url]. I'm guessing that's why the tag is "a" instead of "l". Anyway if I understand correctly, what you want to do is link to a specific post every time you use a specific keyword. IF that's the case then check out the [url=]AcroLink plugin[/url]. As long as your keyword doesn't have punctuation in it (like for example doesn't does) it'll do what you want. (be careful though: the person who wrote it is an idiot)

3 Jan 18, 2007 06:38

That looks perfect! And I've received quite a bit of help from that guy and I don't appreciate you calling him an idiot. However, I'll reserve judgement until I try the plug-in out...

4 May 23, 2008 11:08

Did you end up using acrolink?
How is it going? Are you satisfied? Would you recommend it?

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