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1 Jan 25, 2007 18:11    

I have installed 1.8.7.

When I enter my login details and click "Log In", I am taken to the home page, but nowhere does it indicate that I am logged in.

If I then click on a permalink to a post, then the "Edit" link appears and I am able to get into the backoffice.

If I go back to the home page, there is no indication of being logged in, again.

If I enter my login details and click "Log in to backoffice", then I am taken to the backoffice, and everything works normally after that.

Did I do something in the setup to mess this up?

I have set Blog A as my main blog. Could this be the problem?

Thanks for you help.

2 Jan 25, 2007 22:40

Is there no "admin" link in the misc section of your sidebar?

3 Jan 25, 2007 22:45

Oh wait a minute I finally found it. On your users tab select a group that has users in it, then notice the "Access to Admin area" option. Set it to "Visible link" and you should then see the link to the admin ara when you're logged in.

4 Jan 25, 2007 23:02

I checked and it is set to visible link. That user name is assigned to the Administrator group with a level of 10.

The only time I do not see the admin link (or edit links...) is when I enter my login info and click "log in", which takes me to the main page.

Everything seems to work fine if I click "log in to backoffice".


5 Jan 25, 2007 23:18

Have you edited the _main.php file of your skin and maybe removed something? It looks like an untouched skin, but I'm just guessing maybe something got messed up there.

6 Jan 26, 2007 03:25

I had commented out the Profile and subs links, but I put them back in and it did not change anything.

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