2 yabba Jan 26, 2007 10:17

Thanks for the tip. The smiley's probably are the only thing I do't want there :-)
I'll take a look if I can write a plugin that puts a (customizable) toolbar there...
That'll be my first, then...
Any particular reason that bbcode is not supported in the comments? (Except for spam)
It is supported in comments (it has a seperate list of available commands for comments to prevent spam) you just need to enable it the same way as the smilies plugin.
Somewhere lying around I've got a half-finished toolbar plugin for 1.9.2 which allows you to "build your own" or modify existing ones. If I can find it I'll finish it off and upload it so you can have a tinker.
That'll be great!
I just tried to put switch on some plugins using the backoffice. The Quick-tags plugin was switched off, and I activated it (I set it to "always"). But there doesn't seem to change anything! Not in the backend or in the fornt-end.
What am I missing here?
Check that you're in "expert" mode on the write screen ;)
I am... I see the same bar as before, with the ins- del etc. toolbar. No smilies.
Can it be that, since I did not replace the /conf map, there are some legacy settings from 0.9.1 that cause this? In that version, if I recall correctly, you should set the smilies etc. manually in the software.
btw: My migration path-> 0.9.1 -> 1.8 -> 1.9
The "ins del etc" is the QuickTags toolbar.
The smilies should automatically appear in admin once you've installed the plugin. To be sure, check the plugin seetings and your user settings (both should have defaulted to showing the smilies toolbar)
Well, then the Quicktags plugin displayed itself without being switched on. Interesting...
But still, I can not find the location where I can modify the settings. When I look at the app. settings I get a lot of options, amongst others (regional settings, file settings etc.) the plugins tab. There I can switch the plugin on or off, but no mention of the smilies toolbar there, even when I request the details.
Have you installed the smilies plugin yet? If not then you need to go to admin > app settings > plugins and click the link that says "show all available plugins", the smilies plugin should be in that list and, once installed it should automatically show up on your "write" tab.
Thanks, that did the trick. Although I still find it strange that the toolbar is present even though it is set to "never".
The "never" and "always" relate to whether a plugin renders text (which the quickags doesn't), to remove the toolbar you'd either need to disable it (the funny looking icon on the plugins screen) or uninstall it.
I figured that out as well... But hey, I'm keeping you from important work :-)
Sorry to come again with this but...
Any chance I could activate Smiley rendering (and possibly a toolbar too?) for the comments of my blog ? I've got 1.8.6 so the "Emoticons for comments" hack (http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?t=3326) doesn't work, as doesn't the abovementionned method (which is apparently 1.9 only)... Please help ?
You'd need to do a fair tad of hacking to the 1.8.6 smiley plugin to achieve this ( btw, you should consider upgrading to at least 1.8.7 ).
AFAIK the smiley plugin is the only one that (currently) uses that hook.
To use it meander over to admin> app settings > plugins and install the smiley plugin from the list of available plugins.
Then meander over to the smiley plugins settings page, tick "render comments" and hit save.