2 michika Jan 26, 2007 19:12

If you edit the skin's _main.php file you can search for the part that says "You could put your logo right here" (it's towards the very top of the _main.php file). And you could remove that text and instead put in a link to a logo file, like mylogo.jpg. Just make sure you upload that logo to your webserver and that the location of your <img> tag in the _main.php file is correct.
thx nate!
was loking in the css. Got it. :idea:
Equal to the b2evo logo...
nice weekend
Have to say after my Failure to upload it on my second domain, I do love this Skin All the Files css and admin.php and more commented so well for a novice like me. Only one problem I cant find the where the "BlogRoll" title of the main list of blogs on the left on the display can be edited, I presumed I could have edited this to Menu in the Admin.php but it dosent seem to be there..
Thank Very Much Again Guys !!!
In the folder ../blogs/skins/city_in_evo/ you find a file called _bloglist.php. Open this file with your favorite editor (e.g. notepad) and find line 22 which sais:
if(!isset($blog_list_start)) $blog_list_start = "<h3>Blogroll</h3>\n"."<ul id=\"nav_list\">";
In this line you can change the word "Blogroll" in whatever you like.
Save the file and upload it to the correct folder on your server.
Good luck.
Cheers, Perfect.
OK Im confused Anyone with a Evo Skin that can help me Look at the botch on the menu on the left menu bar.......I cant seem to get eh Nav_body to underline the last 'blog page' #]
OK Im confused Anyone with a Evo Skin that can help me Look at the botch on the menu on the left menu bar.......I cant seem to get eh Nav_body to underline the last 'blog page' #]
Also is there a way of ordering posts in priorty not date.. ?
This is a tricky one.
The line comes from an image: evo_skin/rsc/nav_body.png (folder name depending on your specific blog/skin). This image does not have a line under the topic, only line(s) at the top. Have a look at this image and you will grasp what I mean.
If you want this line, you should duplicate and edit this image. Cut and past the line you want and make a new image. You can then insert this image in the _main.php page just under the navbar. If you align it properly it should show as if it was part of the navbar.
Ah you see but i have already done that, I assume its the positioning that im lost in some where.
In the file _main.php your menu ends by:
<li class="li_nav_body"><a href="http://raise2thechallenge.com/v" class="BlogButton" title="Video Diaries">Video Diary</a></li>
<li class="li_nav_body"><a href="http://raise2thechallenge.com/p" class="BlogButton" title="Profiles">Profiles</a></li>
<li class="li_nav_body"><a href="http://www.ifimfree.com/if" class="BlogButton" title="IFimfree.com">Ifimfree</a></li>
The newly created image come just after this. Now you need to align it. If you look at the page this line will probably show awkwardly low under the menu. First you want the image named like in a div:
<div class="lineUnder">
You can vertically align in css with the
command. Then you can adjust the image a few pixels upwards with
top: -5px;
On the web you'll find variuos tutorials on this topic.
Good luck.
Errrrmmm, I kinda see what your trying to do but the Bloglist.php handles all the calling of the blog names the admin only calls this file... here is the code I think i need to change in that
if(!isset($blog_list_start)) $blog_list_start = "<h3>Menu</h3>\n"."<ul id=\"nav_list\">"
I have tried replacing this with an image source
if( isset($blog_list_start)) $blog_list_start = "<img src=\"whatever\"/img>\n"."<ul id=\"nav_list\">";
also replacing <h3>Menu</h3> with a div class and stating this in my style sheet but to no avail.. thank guys !
The blog is called in the file _main.php with this command:
/* -------------------------- BLOG LIST INCLUDED HERE --------------------------
* customize this with settings in skins/skinname/_bloglist.php or
* copy skins/_bloglist.php to skins/skinname and really customize it
require( dirname(__FILE__).'/_bloglist.php' );
// ----------------------------- END OF BLOG LIST --------------------------- ?>
You can put the image after that and adjust it a few pix upwards.
What you were trying to do is replacing the <h3>menu part with a picture. That is on the top of the menu. You could do that by deleting the <h3>menu</h3> part and adding the picture before the part I mentioned above in the _main.php file.
ok, i removed the skinchanger from the _main.php. Maybe some1 knows how to put in a pic in the left sidebar.