2 edb Jan 26, 2007 20:52

It doesn't work. The whole posts and sidebar disappears in that way.
Obvious you're doing something wrong. In your _main.php you should look for this part:
<h1 id="pageTitle">Personal Development</h1>
<div class="nescafe"></div>
<div class="pageSubTitle">
Self Help to self esteem, personal growth and self improvement
I copied it from your site. This is where you want EdB's code to appear.
You might try it in stead of the line: Self Help to self esteeem etc., then try keep that line, then <br /> then the adsense code and you might also try:
<h1 id="pageTitle">Personal Development</h1>
<div class="nescafe"></div>
<div class="pageSubTitle">
Self Help to self esteem, personal growth and self improvement
<div class="pageSubTitle">
<?php $Blog->disp( 'tagline', 'htmlbody' ) ?>
// add your adsense banner code here
Just keep what looks best in your opinion.
Good luck.
PS. I haven't checked the <?php $Blog->disp( 'tagline', 'htmlbody' ) ?> part of EdB's code.
Thanks for all your help, but I've given up on this because where ever I insert the code- under subtitle, after or before - it makes only disappear the whole posts and only the title of the blog remains.
So I turned back to my previous way of displaying Adsense, under every post.
I liked to change that because it seems to me that I got no click truth's.
Okay doesn't matter maybe its enough if I change the color of the ads.
So, thanks again
Should work. Might work. If it doesn't it's because it's wrong. :roll: