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1 Jan 28, 2007 06:41    

I have installed this software on 3 sites in the last 4 days. The first 2 sites without any issues except operator related. Today, I did a fresh install on a new site and after the installer ends successfully and issues the admin password, I collect it and click on the link to login and CAN'T.

Here is "a" difference in the installation. The problem site is on a subdomain. This makes the url This is the only thing that I can see (as blood runs down my face from beating my head on my desk).

Any thoughts.


2 Jan 28, 2007 07:05

Ok, I found it. Looking through /conf/_advanced.php.

If you have multiple instances of b2evo in the same domain, you must name them so to speak. The default name is b2evo.

You can search /conf/_advanced.php for a line starting with $instance_name = and change b2evo to any single alpha based word you like as long as no other instance on your domain has that name.

I hope this helps some one in the future.


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