2 myplainview Jan 31, 2007 15:47

there should be a error message along with that instead of just a line number...
Ah ok there was a line above it saying
Notice: Undefined property: allowpingbacks in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\home.myplainview.com\blog\blogs\inc\MODEL\dataobjects\_dataobject.class.php on line 461
If you wish to see it for yourself go to
1.9.2 has several updates to the skinning architecture, you can post a request for the update of the skins that need updating here:
The answer is in [url=http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?p=49745#49745]this post[/url].
There are no more pingbacks in 1.9
The particular bit of code that's producing that annoyance should be in _feedback.php in your skins directory:
if( empty($pb) || !$Blog->get( 'allowpingbacks' ) )
Just remove anything related to that and you'll be fine.
Anyone have any ideas?