2 phatchopolis Feb 11, 2007 01:27

b-man I've got 25 skins from the skins page currently rock-solid for 1.9.2 although a gimmick or two is both missing and added. We should chat eh?
classic is there.
Hey EdB, the skins page for the site does not differentiate between 1.8 and 1.9 skins, when it really should, same for the plugins site as well, theres just 1.8+ but there needs to be a 1.9+ as well.
As I find that a lot of the skins that are on the skins site are in fact 1.8 skins...
Could you pull some strings to make this happen?
Yeah but part of that is my fault because I overhauled a bunch of old skins that potentially became the source of other people who made skins. I did stuff that turned out to be wrong even though they've been okay for many many releases.
I haven't tested it. Will 'custom' from 1.8.* work in 1.9.*? That's the true test of if we should segregate skins or not. At a minimum perhaps there should be subcats for the skins to show what generation they are known to work well with?
Plugins do need some rethinking too. Like the 1.8+ subcat should probably be 1.8.* and the 1.9 subcat should be 1.9.*, and plugins known to be able to work with both should get both subcats selected.
Gotta go back to work. Will try to raise the issue via other channels, but no promises on what goes down. The players who own each of the little bits got their things to deal with, so it's not cool to say "go do this" when it's always more complex than it sounds.
I haven't tested it. Will 'custom' from 1.8.* work in 1.9.*? That's the true test of if we should segregate skins or not. At a minimum perhaps there should be subcats for the skins to show what generation they are known to work well with?
The custom skin that is bundled with 1.8 does not work with 1.9 (well it does but does some things incorrectly, that should be fixed). Eg. the custom 1.8 and 1.9 skins are different.
Plugins do need some rethinking too. Like the 1.8+ subcat should probably be 1.8.* and the 1.9 subcat should be 1.9.*, and plugins known to be able to work with both should get both subcats selected.
Most, if not all 1.8 plugins will work in 1.9.
2 of 3 I wrote needed fixing for 1.9.2 :(
I added a 1.9 category to the plugins directory. Now I just need to know which 1.8 plugins can be marked 1.9 ready so I can update the listings.
As for skins, once you guys sort this out, let me know and I can make the changes. I've been assuming that any 1.8 skin would work with 1.9. What, specifically, is not working about that?
I wish we could set something up like http://drupal.org/project . Each module (plugin) and theme (skin) has it's own page with multiple downloads to match each version of Drupal. Each project has it's own forum for bugs, support and feature requests. I assume the project author has full access to this listing and so they can do their own maitenence.
There's no way for me to test every plugin and skin to see if it works for each new release in order to keep the directory up to date (I don't even do a good job of this with my own stuff). I'm not complaining or making excuses, I'm just saying that if we can get he plugin authors to manage their own listing, it would work better.
p-man we should take this up outside this environment. The short answer to your question though is "figure if I submitted it for 1.8 then it doesn't work for 1.9". The long answer is a test bed. Everyone's busy though. I'll build something but I firmly believe we should talk it up elsewhere.
As per the Classic theme. I think you said you had an updated one. The current version throws up errors. I've tried to comment out a few places to stop that. Anyway you could PM me a download link to the updated one so I can try that? Thanks.
If I had a download link I'd post it somewhere so everyone could have 'em, but I don't so I can't. Sorry. Working on it though.
Brief update: we haven't given up. We're working on it. It's not as easy as it sounds, of course. For my personal bit, I'm roughly 2/3rds the way through upgrading and PRIMARY testing about 35 skins. When I'm done they'll need to be tested in great detail to see what bits I either missed or did wrong. As soon as I can I'll share a link to my test installation and hope that people pick a skin and review it in great detail.
phatchopolis I'm sort of thinking you'll test the classic skin for us all?
When it's time I'll give the link AND the laundry list of things that should be tested before I zip them up and send them off to the skins site for public consumption. And it's a heck of a list! How does it look in general? How does the personal profile look? How does the latest comments look? How about a permalink page for a post with comments that are both published and in moderation queue? How does it look when you tell your browser to show you a print preview (a thing I'm trying to add everywhere)?
So anyway like balupton says: ask for what you want. It might be on my list and it might not, but right now I don't have a list for after this major handful. Oh except some of the WPC_ skins. I think I'd like to resurrect them only without the limitations that existed in order to facilitate dropping the css straight into a folder.
Hmm. The main reason I'm interested in the Classic skin is a person who's website I host uses it and some errors have popped up since upgrading to 1.9.2. When it's ready I can do some testing of the skin and report what I see. I'll setup a test blog on my site for it. Speaking of which. Any new skins in that batch? I use the Custom skin on my site currently because I can't find anything else to fit my tastes and needs. :)
E.T.A. - Actually it's not Classic skin specific necessarily but I'm looking for a way to integrate a banner. For the Classic skin I'd want it displayed between the top. Where the site name is and the content, posts, etc. begin. Any ideas?
http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?t=10959 is the first 6-pack. More will follow soon, where "soon" is defined as "eventually". Feedback regarding problems both functional and cosmetic in nature will be more appreciated there more than here, as this thread is about requesting an existing skin being upgraded. BTW 'classic' is in that batch. New stuff is coming, but not till the golden oldies and (as will be obvious by visiting that new thread) some shiny noobies. After regurgitating existing skins I've got a pile of WPC_* skins in the works, only they won't have the limitations they used to have. Then some skins that AFAIK never existed for good old b2evolution.
I get this error with the plain skin:
/home/nelsongu/public_html/test2/skins/_feedback.php on line 70
Hi, what about the CLEAN skin? Or are there plans to write a upgrade-guide. The guide in the wiki isn't updated for 1.9. I'm still running 0.91. Thanks!
I'll add plain and clean to the list. I think I was already planning on clean but I dunno. Anyway they're both on the short list now.
Thanks a lot!
Thanks for working on the plain theme. you've beena great resource.
Nelson Guirado
I have a kind of generic skin I use all over the place but I can't remember which skin I hacked it from. I had to renew all my skins to work in 1.8 but there are some old blogs that will probs never get upgraded beyond 0.9.1 for this reason. I'm just moving my priority blog sets over to 1.9.3 from 1.8.6 and the old skins are working fine. What I'm reading here is that maybe I'm missing a few features or heading for problems. It would be great if there a way to see a list of what SHOULD be in a 1.9 skin and what shouldn't. Rebuilding customised skins from scratch can be quite a chore.