2 triskit Feb 03, 2007 22:30

Do you have a link?
Sure - but its not much to look at:
Your setup is a tad confusing to me.
tabaska points to http://tabaska/blogs/index.php
and blog all, linkblog point to http://tabaska/blogs/index.php?blog=[1,4]
(1) I'd expect them to point to http://ipg.no-ip.info/blogs/index.php ... looks like you're doing some kind of redirect?
The problem appears to be much more than just skin loading, related to the basic config file and baseurl.
Hope this helps.
You were right - I had my blog pointed to the wrong domain in the _basicconf file - once I changed that - the skins load correctly - however - this brings me to a new issue of the admin login off of the local client. My domain points to a server that has a dynamic IP - hence the second domain name you saw- so the inside domain name needs to load the software - and the admin login needs to also load from this domain - but this is a bit confusing to others - so I am assuming I should be able to change the admin link on the blog to point to this other domain - do you know where the code for the link is? I will start my search...
I'd assume that it would be in somewhere in the skin's _main.php file? But there may be several places for it (e.g., login/admin/profile in the sidebar and "if you're logged in" Edit this post link). All those would take you to the admin pages.
I can't say for certain, b/c I handle our login differently than most installs.
Maybe someone else knows more?
Not sure if you're still trying to fix this (I can't access your page anymore). I am also running my blog off a dynamic IP address.
Also not sure if I understood your post correct... but from what I gather, you're running the b2evo software on your own box, which has a dynamic IP address. If so, I don't think you should need to change the admin link explicitly.
For me, I just made sure that I set the $baseurl value in my _basic_config.php file to the correct address. This takes care of the admin pages working properly. I think this should be all you need to change (unless your skin has the admin link hardcoded?).
For example, when I recently upgraded b2evolution to a new version, I installed it to a new directory, leaving the past version untouched (should I need to migrate back for some reason). I then configured the new version from a local machine on the network. When everything was migrated properly, I swapped the old installation for the new one. I then changed the $baseurl variable in the new installation to the proper value so that it would reflect my address provided by dyndns.org.
So, when configuring, my $baseurl was something like:
Hence, the admin address worked from:
But once I was ready to have it go live, I symlinked this directory to "blog" which is the address I use for my blog.
I then updated my $baseurl to:
Hence, the admin address now works from:
I never had to change the admin link in the skin. At any rate, in my skin file, the admin link appears to be rendered by a function called "user_admin_link"
hey rcxAsh -
Thanks for the reply - my issue was in the way my site was being hosted - I was running on a server IP which the owner had set up a dns entry for (ipg.no-ip.info) and when he saw a request come in for port 80 - he would redirect to the webserver which was running my domain www.tabaska.com - the problem was that to get b2 to work correctly - I had to set the base url to ipg.no-ip.info - but at that point you were already on tabaska.com - so when yopu hit the admin link - it was looking for ipg.no-ip.info/blog/admin.php - but the server address you were on was tabaska.com -
I rectified the issue by moving my site to a hosting service - now everything works like a charm -
If the old host would have removed the dns for ipg.no-ip.info - it would have worked too - but he did not want to release that -
Ah, I see, so your situation was more complicated than I understood. But I'm glad that you found a suitable work around solution in the end!
Here is what I see in the logs:
From local machine:
"GET /blogs/index.php?tempskin=originalb2 HTTP/1.1" 200 9982
From internet:
"GET /blogs/index.php HTTP/1.1" 200 19973
So when I launch from internet - the skin parameter is not passing... I know my php install is working correctly because I can access phpinfo from the internet... is there some setting for script execution in Apache that could be stopping me?