2 edb Feb 05, 2007 08:39

Meanie :P wrote:
See what happens when you get all the points? EVERYONE wants to ride your coat-tails ;)
:O So that's the real reason you gave them away :O !
I haven't had trackbacks turned on in like a million years, so I never get trackback spam and therefore don't know much about fighting it. Does the antispam system protect against trackback spam? If so you've got a few in there that are worth reporting, but obviously you wouldn't want to report the ones that are pretending to be google. kuso.cc looks like a good one based on a quick glance. I don't know anything about the basic antispam plugin, but that tool might be better suited to this "nuisance spam".
Hrmm I like trackbacks, but yeah i think i will need to look into the other options to stopping spam...
is kuso.cc in your blacklist, and if not does it grab the trackbacks when you add it?
It killed 18 of them, but still 37 or something on that post left...
But yeah most.. well a lot of them are just fake google ones...
Okay so now I know antispam works against trackbacks. I'll guess it grouped them as "comments" when you added the keyword?
The fake googles - "fun malicious" - ones are a different animal entirely. I HOPE the basic antispam plugin can deal effectively with those. Based on timestamp (frequency of event) I think it can. Oh and I think there's a way to have your blog check trackbacks to make sure it's a real trackback, but I don't know how to reach that feature - assuming it exists.
Ok i've installed the basic antispam plugin and enabled that check referrers option in it, let's see how i go.
I know a simple "why didn't i think of that before" solution to the fun malicious attacks! Disable trackbacks that are below a certain word count! So say 5 or something, as most of them are just single worded.
How good is that!!! Will update the basic antispam plugin for it tomorrow.
In fact if we make it like kill all trackbacks that are 10 or below words, then that would kill nearly all trackback spam! And still let the legit trackbacks get through as no one would be doing a trackback that is in that range.
balupton wrote:
I know a simple "why didn't i think of that before" solution to the fun malicious attacks! Disable trackbacks that are below a certain word count! So say 5 or something, as most of them are just single worded.
I think that's the way some other systems work too... I remember testing trackback on a friend's blog and I just said something like "Hi!" and it got thrown into the spam bin!!
So: Great idea! I've been fighting this type of spam for the last couple of days!
hey guys, yes i am alive, but currently have other priorities atm...
for news, my blog is getting about 220 trackback spams yesterday, and the number is increasing daily, right now i'm going to disable trackbacks until we implement the solutions discussed here into a plugin.
edb, do you know if the bots scan the blog pages for the trackback url, or just skip that, and go directly for the hstrv folder? if so then maybe making a plugin to disguise the hstrv folder would be good? eg. randomly renaming it?
Random renaming doesn't work
for the first time i switched on
Allow other bloggers to send trackbacks to this blog, letting you know when they refer to it. This will also let you send trackbacks to other blogs.
and now I simply get spam
nice valuable switch on that was
will simply switch off
See what happens when you get all the points? EVERYONE wants to ride your coat-tails ;)
I haven't had trackbacks turned on in like a million years, so I never get trackback spam and therefore don't know much about fighting it. Does the antispam system protect against trackback spam? If so you've got a few in there that are worth reporting, but obviously you wouldn't want to report the ones that are pretending to be google. kuso.cc looks like a good one based on a quick glance. I don't know anything about the basic antispam plugin, but that tool might be better suited to this "nuisance spam".