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1 Feb 06, 2007 02:21    

There are only three people who post to my blogs - me, hubby, and a friend who monitors a blog for us. I see under User Management | Profile for My Name the option for "Check this to receive a notification whenever one of your posts receives comments, trackbacks, etc." but my question is... how do I receive notification for others' posts? My husband is in Iraq right now and posts to his own blog, however, I want to be able to moderate the comments to his posts without having to login and search for them. \

Am I missing something, or is there a roundabout way to do what I want? I would think as a level 10 administrator, I would be able to (easily) receive notifications of everything.

2 Feb 06, 2007 12:56

AFAIK what you want can't be done without hacking. Or cheating!

Does he care if he gets notifications or not? Does he have the bandwidth and/or time to deal with it? If not just change his account's email address to be your email address and you'll get all the mail.

Or hey you can - no never mind. Subscribing to his blog's comments wouldn't help because you are concerned with moderating. That implies nothing's published to see until someone approves. Easiest method that I can think of is changing the email addy to yours.

3 Feb 06, 2007 14:06

I don't think he cares if he gets notifications - I will change his email to mine. (That was a much easier solution than I was anticipating...why didn't I think of that?) Thanks so much!

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