1 nomadman2k Feb 10, 2007 23:05
3 blueyed Feb 17, 2007 21:35
ini_set() is the problem. The other warnings are just follow-up errors.
ini_set() is required by the Session class to temporarily change a setting.
4 nomadman2k Feb 21, 2007 21:45
I have removed the blank lines in the referenced files and this seems to have removed the error messages.
As to the response regarding the init_set() as the issue, based upon the fact that this is working now I cant see what I would need to do with this.
5 blueyed Feb 21, 2007 21:50
Nomadman2k wrote:
I have removed the blank lines in the referenced files and this seems to have removed the error messages.
Which blank lines in which files?
What balupton said is wrong - he was just refering to the "Notices:" and you got the notices only because of the initial warning, which started the output (because it got displayed).
Nomadman2k wrote:
As to the response regarding the init_set() as the issue, based upon the fact that this is working now I cant see what I would need to do with this.
Then try previewing a comment and you should still get the same errors (depending of what lines you've removed :p).
The warning only happens if there's session data to unserialize, e.g. when a comment gets stored into the session for the preview feature.
6 nomadman2k Feb 21, 2007 21:55
So how do I rectify the fault which came about only as part of the upgrade process?
7 blueyed Feb 21, 2007 22:00
ini_set is required here, sorry. You can't do anything except using a host that trusts you at least a bit.
A workaround would be to put a "@" directly in front of ini_set() to suppress the warning, but some features, e.g. comment preview would silently fail then.
8 nomadman2k Feb 21, 2007 22:18
I understand, but I have no idea what to do with init_set().
I have full access to my system, but have no idea of what needs to be done.
I am sorry but I would need a little more information to rectify this please.
9 edb Feb 21, 2007 22:29
It looks like you're using the autoblog plugin. If so it's possible that something in that has caused the problem? You can troubleshoot this possibility by doing an installation of the version you used to use, then upgrading it to 1.9.2 and seeing if you have the problems or not. If not then you would want to look elsewhere for the answer. It might not be autoblog of course. Could be who-knows-what. It's just that by starting with a 'clean' installation then upgrading you'll be able to tell if your server config is okay with the latest version of b2evolution.
10 blueyed Feb 21, 2007 22:37
If you have access to the server fix """Warning: ini_set() has been disabled for security reasons"""!
Maybe it's caused by "safe_mode=on" or listing "ini_set" in the disable_functions setting - I don't know. But please tell us, if you've found out.
It's no default settings, that's for sure. (this all refers to php.ini settings)
EdB: it's not caused by the autoblogin, except that it may use the $Session object somewhere with objects and therefor trigger this error.
Most of these warning result from an empty line at the end of the files. Delete the empty line (lines) and they will go away.