2 gr8dude Nov 09, 2007 12:00

My b2evolution Version: 1.9.x
Hi everyone,
I've been using the BlogDesk client to post to my b2evo-1.8 blog via the MetaWeblog API. Everything is ok.
I have another web-site, where I installed b2evo-1.9.2. I configured BlogDesk for use with this blog, but there are some problems with how it works.
This is what I have:
The post is created
The category is correct
The post title is correct
The body of the post is blank
I tried switching to the MovableType API, the result is the same.
I use BlogDesk's logging mode to check out which data are sent to the server (in both cases, i.e. the old blog and the new blog) the requests are of the same form
I replaced xmlrpc.php of 1.9.x with that of 1.8.x - the problem persists
Finally, I posted to the blog using w.Bloggar (another offline blog client) and the post showed up fine
At this point I have no clue what to do. On one hand I can conclude it is BlogDesk's problem, because w.Bloggar works fine. On the other, there is something wrong with the XMLRPC mechanism, because BlogDesk's logs show that in each case the requests are formed in the same way. And on the third hand :-) It may be something in b2evo itself, since using the old xmlrpc.php did not help.
Can someone provide any tips regarding the resolution of this problem?
There are no responses for a long time, so I'm going to post some new stuff I managed to find out in the meantime.
I have updated to 1.10.2; this is what the XMLRPC client sends to the server
This is the response from the server
The client seems to be sending the right stuff to the server, but the response contains some warnings, which could be the culprit.
I also have no idea what 'f0' and '171' are.
Does this ring any bells to anyone?