1 samredman Feb 23, 2007 12:25
3 samredman Feb 23, 2007 12:54
Thanks so much for that. I had tried uninstalling the plugin "Categories Skin Tag This skin tag displays the list of available categories for the blog.", but those skin choices remained. I will now make the deletion you suggested and I think that will do what I need.
4 topanga Feb 23, 2007 13:49
A lot has changed between the versions 0.9 and 1.8.6 and 1.9.2
But a lot of the skins are legacy and sometimes they still have legacy code in them.
That can be an explanation why it was not working by disabling the plugin
5 samredman Feb 23, 2007 19:08
I followed your instructions and it worked perfectly to eliminate the skin choices for people viewing my blogs.
Thanks so much for your reply to me. I hope to learn this well enough (it's only my second day with it) to be able to return the favor to others eventually.
Look in the file _main.php from the skin you made for something remotely similar to this :
Perhaps it is not exactly the same, but this piece of code need to go