2 edb Feb 25, 2007 16:02

I can't find that option - do you know where abouts I should be looking? It doesn't appear to be on that screen...
On the write tab, kinda just above the post textarea box. You're the admin of your blog right? Gimme a second to grab a screen shot for ya...
It seems to be missing on mine!!
Perhaps I missed something in the upgrade :-/
Did you do the full "delete everything and upload new stuff then run the installer to upgrade" or did you try a lite "just the files that seem to be different" method?
Wait a minute... Your back office looks nothing like mine! The shading colors match the "V" back office skin, but look where your "New post in blog:" text is. What happened to your top-level tabs?
Do you have a customized admin skin? If so can you ditch it and see if the 'stock' interface provides these options? Are you the admin of your blog? I've never logged in as a lesser user so I don't know what someone who is not user #1 with full powers and abilities will see is why I ask.
Oh and I'd buy a jar of Irish air! Look people buy cans of Florida sunshine... :roll:
It's not customised admin skin and I didn't do either of those upgrade options. I didn't delete everything but I thought I'd overwritten everything, but I'm going to check that out now. Will post back if it does/doesn't fix the problem.
just for a laugh, make sure you're hitting /admin.php and not /admin/index.php ;)
Yeah I am, and I re-uploaded the skins_admin and skins directories again, no change. I've also noticed that the ability to switch skins in the admin doesn't seem to be there anymore. IIRC there used to be a "b2evo" skin and a "classic" or "Legacy" or something skin which aren't there any more.
This is starting to worry me.
Just noticed something. I don't know if its relevant but I remember doing something a while back that made the menu down the left hand side. I noticed your EdB's tabs are across the top - mine aren't. And now I've no idea where the option is to change that to see if it'll help (or if its been removed).
The inc/ folder is like awesomely powerful lately. Dunno what version you upgraded from, but if you had a version that had an inc/ folder you might want to delete it and upload anew.
Oh and the classic "mysterious bug" advice applies: do not upload the version you have on your PC. Get a fresh copy of the zip, unzip it, and upload from that after completely deleting what you have on your server. The theory is that somewhere along the line you got a corrupted file that manifests itself in the most subtle and bizarre ways. This method has helped more than a handful of people in the past, and if it's not the answer it *shouldn't* hurt.
Try /admin.php?ctrl=edit&tab=expert&blog=2 with whatever blog number you're into in your address bar and see if that forces the expert mode. That's what my address bar showed when I switched to simple mode then back to expert. If it works for you it will also somehow remember that's what you're into, but it would be cool to have the tabs available - if you can get them to come back.
That did work, thanks. I'm still going to try and fix it though, cuz I don't wanna have to do that everytime I clear cookies or use a new browser/new PC. Watch this space...
Right, I've erased all the files on the server and re-uploaded them all and it seems to have fixed it (I didn't download the zip again for reasons I'll not bore you with, but that would have been my next step).
Still no idea where the option was that let me use a menu instead of tabs, but at least my blog is usable again!
Thanks for all your help!
Switch from 'simple' to 'advanced' because you're an advanced user looking for advanced features. ;)