2 adesigninteractive Mar 01, 2007 05:36

My b2evolution Version: 1.9.x
well, it's not really upgrading. what i mean by that is that i've used b2ev before, and had likely at least an intermediately complex setup (tons of themes, custom this and that all over the place, but never hacked anything that i recall w/ my own code, and likely didn't explore the code a whole lot at all... but definitely spent time in the admin settings, etc., so i understand at least the basics of b2ev -- [i.e. it ain't just a 'blog' in the sense of log in and post-- it's much more feature-rich, and way better than the others!]
okay-- so, i'm trying to install it on a VPS server i'm co-administering w/ a friend. blah, blah... let me get to some examples.
first: the blog is "working" in the sense that i can get into the control panel, AND i can see "blog all" and "links blog", but i've tried several different settings for "A" and "B", but nothing seems to work.
here is one URL example, after posting a general entry (to show my co-admin some research stuff i read here actually):
the apache error text is my own authorship from the cpanel skeleton, but i figured i'd leave it so you get more the gist of it...
EDIT: wow-- that's an approach to spam control i hadn't seen before today. :)
effective, i'm sure! (checking for a valid URL in the msg body, i mean) :wink: now that i've applied the ol' octothorpian-nerve-pinch, e'rything seems to be okay. i merely wanted to show the _REQUEST data (?) there in the URL
hi there. i wanted to note that i have my b2ev up and running now. to be honest-- i don't know what it was, or really how i fixed it.
the resolve definitely came by tweaking different settings of the
Blog-Settings Tab:
: General
:: Blog URL Params
::: Blog Folder URL - Relative to Base URL
::: Preferred Access Type
(though it may not be relevant, but merely coincidental)
::: URL Blog Name
I finally arrived at a working combination when i used the following Parameters:
::: Folder URL = blank
::: Preferred Acces = Automatic
(oh! i believe this was the trick which got it working, now examining in retrospect: --> only after FIRST trying the an Explicit reference to a CUSTOM stubname, THEN switching back to the "Automatic here -- all under the Preferred Access option -- possibly required also under BlogSettings -> List -> Generate Stub File)
i realize all of that sounds very dopey, but it's what seemed to get it going. Though i believe that the [url=http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?t=1230#5844]step-by-step-Stub-File-explanation[/url] is rather thorough it its essence, and certainly a fine reply to the inquiry there-- i wonder if there isn't another perhaps more broadly illustrated "tutorial" on all that jazz?
i've got the thing working really well, and i enjoy the new features-- but i feel like, to pro-configure a b2ev w/ proper sub-folders, etc., may perhaps be the best choice for one who wishes to keep one for a long time-- and store data in sub folder, etc.
sorry-- just rambling at this point. thanks a lot. if users are able here, i'll close the topic.
thanks again.