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1 Apr 29, 2004 00:18    

When editing a blog you have a checkbox for "Display blog list". I think it would be cool if I had a checkbox to exclude the blog from blog lists, rather than going into /skins/_bloglist.php and /summary.php to hide them by number. Not that I have any idea how to do it...I just want stuff!

3 Apr 30, 2004 17:03

Currently you can hide it by cleaing the "url stub name" field.

There will be some major changes on blog handling soon.

4 Apr 30, 2004 18:16

Clearing the stub file won't work if you actually want to use the blog, tho. (I.e., if you want it to be accessible, but just not from the bloglist.) For example, if you have a blog that's just used for "What I'm reading right now", that shows the most recent post on the sidebar of your template, maybe you don't want to have that blog also show up in the blog list, cause it'd be a little silly. But you still want someone to be able to click on a link to read your comments on the thing that you're reading (i.e., show a permalink to the full entry.) Wouldn't that be hard to do if the stub urlname was empty?

I can see the use in this.


5 Apr 30, 2004 21:04

Clearing the fields is just used for getting rid of blogs before the delete function is released publicly, and as far as I can see, not much use for what you want, as you said.

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