2 edb Mar 06, 2007 00:01

Blogspot is used by scrapers and made for adsense blackhatters mainly
Please pardon my 'non techie' skills (or lack of them), but I think this is related to the question I want to ask.
My signature link in a forum of which I'm a member refers folks to a 403 page saying they have been referred by a 'known spammer'. How can I be a spammer for referring folks to my own site?
Is this related to my blog and I need to contact my hosting provider? Or is it related to the forum which is hosting my signature. It doesn't appear to happen to any of my other links.
Search the [url=http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewforum.php?f=37]Central Antispam Blacklist Support[/url] forum, please.
blogspot is, was, and probably ever shall be the single biggest source of spam reported to the database. At one point we had over 100 published keywords that were blogs on blogspot, and over 1000 more reports that weren't published.
You can remove .blogspot.com from your local antispam list if you want, then locally ban each individual spammer from that source.
Moving this topic.