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1 Mar 19, 2007 21:21    

My b2evolution Version: 1.8.x

I recently added a blog to my list, and have now five of them, including a linkblog. I created some categories in the old and new blogs and started changing the categories of posts. Now I have a problem. There is a post that I can assign to a category in blog 2 and to a category in blog 5, named "mis textos". I can't to it. Every time I check that category, I got a 404 error page. Could the space in the category name be the culprit? I suppose not, because I have another post assigned to a different category in the same blog, "textos de otros".

Any help would be appreciated.

2 Mar 19, 2007 21:22

Ahem... Where it says "I can't to it", please read "I can't do it".

3 Mar 19, 2007 21:29

I just checked the blog list. It seems strange: the new blog has a blog URL of index.php/, and the Static File field is empty. I bet this is the cause. But... in the blog settings, it says that if I assign a subfolder to the blog, I must "handle it accordingly on the Webserver (e-g: create a subfolder + stub file or use mod_rewrite)". I don't know if this is the case, and the mention of server operations sounds scary. What should I do, and why the URL got assigned to index.php/, which is clearly wrong?

4 Mar 19, 2007 22:12

Hmmm... the HTTP error is 500, not 404... I deleted the blog and recreated it copying from one of the default blogs, to no avail... now the field "Blog URL" in the blog list says "index.php/c", but the field "Static File" is still empty... very strange, because all settings are similar in blogs a, b, and this new blog c...

5 Mar 20, 2007 18:37

The problem seems to be with crossposting. I *can* post to a category in the new blog, but I *can't* post to a category in another blog *and* in that new one... I get that HTTP 500 internal error. Crossposting is enabled ($allow_cross_posting = 3).

6 Mar 20, 2007 19:25

Check your server error logs, maybe it is Apache's mod_security, because it dislikes the resulting URL.

Try reproducing it on the demo site (choose 1.8 there) and if you can reproduce it there, it's likely a b2evo bug, otherwise it's your server's setup.

You should look in the server's error log first. If you don't have access to it, ask your host support staff.

btw: also posting the whole error (as displayed in a browser unlike Internet Explorer) could help.. ^^

7 Mar 21, 2007 23:32

blueyed wrote:

Check your server error logs, maybe it is Apache's mod_security, because it dislikes the resulting URL.

Try reproducing it on the demo site (choose 1.8 there) and if you can reproduce it there, it's likely a b2evo bug, otherwise it's your server's setup.

You should look in the server's error log first. If you don't have access to it, ask your host support staff.

btw: also posting the whole error (as displayed in a browser unlike Internet Explorer) could help.. ^^

No error in the error log. And I can't test it in the demo version because I can't modify its version of conf/_admin.php to enable crossposting (I really think it should be an option in the backoffice).

8 Mar 21, 2007 23:51

bit wrote:

. Crossposting is enabled ($allow_cross_posting = 3).

Do you need $allow_cross_posting = 3? It sais:

 *   - 3 if you want to be able to change main cat among blogs (which will move the
 *       posts from one blog to another; use with caution)

Apart from the warning, I read this as the post will be moved to another blog, not duplicated (or virtually duplicated) what you should expect with a crosspost (the post is accessible from both blogs).

Try this setting:

 *   - 2 if you want to be able to cross-post among multiple blogs/categories

9 Mar 22, 2007 18:27

Afwas: Nope, it doesn't work.

It looks like some setting doesn't get copied to a new blog you are creating, even when you use the "copy" button. I can crosspost among the (heavily modified) default blogs), but crossposting just doesn't work with the new blog (blog 5). It is very strange.

10 Mar 22, 2007 20:37

When there's a 500 error, webserver or PHP "crashes" somehow. You really have to check the error logs.
Do you have a phpinfo() page?

11 Mar 22, 2007 21:28

The CPanel error log doesn't show any php error. I will contact tech support to see if there is a phpinfo() page. Thanks for the suggestion.

12 Mar 22, 2007 22:01

Thank you for your bug report!
I think I could reproduce it on the demo site.

You probably were getting a 500 error page from b2evo with the following error:
An unexpected error has occured!
If this error persits, please report it to the administrator.
Go back to home page
Additional information about this error:
Group/user permission denied by b2evolution! (cats_post_statuses:published:Array)

But IE displays a "nice" error page by default, which hides this info.

There's a fatal error in b2evo and therefor a bug.
I've found the fix for it though, I think.

The patch for 1.9.x is this:

For 1.9.x you can replace the whole file:

Or either update to 1.9.4 or 1.10 when it gets released.

13 Mar 22, 2007 22:24

Seems like you found it, blueyed.

I am using b2evo 1.8.2, and I am having trouble updating it to 1.9.

Is there any way I can fix it in my current installation, so I can have it working until I am able to install the new version?

Thank you very much for working on this. :)))

14 Mar 22, 2007 22:27

Try applaying the patch linked above to your 1.8 installation. It's likely to apply (you could apply it e.g. with the "patch" tool on GNU/Linux - or manually, by editing the target file).

15 Mar 22, 2007 22:57

Mmmh... no, the files are quite different. I am unable to locate the first chunk. I'll have to upgrade. Thanx again!

16 Mar 22, 2007 23:23

Guess what? I downloaded the last version and was about to delete my current /blogs dir, then decided to give it a wild try, having nothing to lose. I replaced the 1.8.2 version of the file with the one you uploaded.


I hope I didn't break any subtle dependencies, but for now, my multiblog seems to be working fine, and crossposting works like a charm.

So, for the third time, thanks!!!

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