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1 Apr 07, 2007 07:25    

My b2evolution Version: 1.9.x

Hello ,

No tech experience here. Have just installed b2 at a hosting site that supports b2, using fantastico. The control panel is cpanel [if that matters]
All went well.

1. Now, the skin I want to use isn't in the software selection under how do I change skins using another one on the b2 site--in easy for newbie terms.?

2. How do I left or right justify uploaded images?

3. How do I have a link blog on side bar..and not a new blog, as it seems to want to do? there a way to have a name subdomain for additional blogs that are launched with this program...and not the weird symbol, number thing after the trailing slash? For instance,

And to have a new domain does that work??

Thank You very much to anyone who can help me here. :-/


2 Apr 07, 2007 19:11

I don't have time now (maybe later) to detail all of these, but here are quick answers that might get you started

1. The skin I want to use isn't in the software selection under how do I change skins using another one on the b2 site

Simply download the skin from, unzip it and then ftp upload the entire directory (as a directory) into your b2evo installation skins directory (folder) located at

The ones that came with the install are there each in their own directories. Your new one will look like those. Then, from inside your admin panel, you can then select the new skin you just installed.

2. How do I left or right justify uploaded images?

Use the align tags in your image code like this:

 <img src="" alt="ok as blank" title="shows as mouse over title" align="right"/>

Sometimes if you have multiple images which you "aligned" you should add this after your img code so they don't stack up on each other:

<div class="clear">&nbsp;</div>

3. How do I have a link blog on side bar..and not a new blog, as it seems to want to do?

In your admin panel under Blog Settings/Display tab at the bottom is a dropdown menu that will let you choose any blog to display in your side panel (including the link blog, if you want that one)

4. Is there a way to have a name subdomain for additional blogs that are launched with this program...and not the weird symbol, number thing after the trailing slash? For instance,

Perhaps accessing your blogs with stub files will give you the simplified url you are looking for.

By default, all blogs are displayed using the skin you chose. Blogs are accessed through 'index.php', which loads default parameters from the database and then passes on the display job to a skin. That gives the weird number symbol thing to access your blog.

But, to have a simpler url (plus other uses) create a stub file. There is a provided file in your blog root called, 'a_stub.php' which you use to make a copy with the filename (with .php extension) you want your blog to be named. This lets your blog be "called" through this stub instead of index.php. You need to edit this code in that new stub file

$blog = 10;   //number of your blog here 

so that it calls the blog number of the blog you are wanting to display (plus there are other conditions that can be set there as well). Then ftp that into your blog "root."

To make it work you must go to the blogs admin and set the correct access method for your blog, setting its new filename (like oneofmyblogs.php) in the 'Stub name' field. Otherwise, the links will not function. This is done by going to the area located on in your "blogs settings/general" tab in the section titled, "Preferred access type:" Check the radio button marked. "Explicit reference to stub file (Advanced):" and then fill in the stub file name you created where indicated by "Stub name:" and be sure to click "Save" at the bottom of that panel.

5. And to have a new domain does that work??

Just go register one at (or any of the others) and have that pointed to your websites nameservers. Get with your hosting service for details on that. You will have to reinstall your b2evo under your new domain name (I'm thinking), but maybe not. Your hosting service support should be able to clear that up for you.

Hopefully, that can help you. I don't have the time for more specific detail... but see how you do with that.

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