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1 Apr 09, 2007 21:18    

My b2evolution Version: 0.9.x

I've uploaded a small gif file using the 'Upload File/Image' button in the write tab with my admin account. The displayed link was used to paste the image location into a post, but it doesn't want to show in the blog.

I can't see anything detailed in the Docs here, nor have I seen a particularly relevant thread in this forum. Is there anything obvious I should be looking for?

Links to images on other parts of my webspace out side the blog structure show up fine BTW.


2 Apr 11, 2007 11:05

A link to your blog would be helpful


3 Apr 11, 2007 16:51

My apologies, try this -->

It's the third post down. Checking via FTP, there are two versions of the same gif file sitting in blogs/media with -rw---- permissions on them.

I've just edited it so that the same file appears on that post, but this time it's sitting in the images directory of the domain. As you can see, that works fine.

If I try going direct to the URL for the blogs/media version, I get a 403 error with the message 'The website declined to show this webpage'. I'm guessing that's right though as you want people coming in at the front door of the blog.

Ignore the ankle BTW, it's getting better now.


4 Apr 11, 2007 17:45

The media folder has the following permissions BTW - "drwxr-xr-x"


5 Apr 11, 2007 18:53

I'm sure I've hit this problem before, it's to do with folders created by evo .... god knows why though .... blueyed would probably have a realy cool technical explanation if you ask him ;)

Try this, kickstart your ftp proggy of choice and download the whole of the media folder.

Then rename the online media folder to something original like "old_media_folder" and upload your local copy of the media folder

If I'm right .... and if not then I'll play the "I'm just a dumb blonde" card, so forget trying to sue me .... then your images should start to work, and be fixed forever :D


6 Apr 11, 2007 19:46

Good idea, tried that

The permissions on the existing files went from "-rw-------" to "-rw-r--r--" in the process and they start working perfectly well.

So upload a new image and it's set at "-rw-------"

OK, so we have a permissions issue then. Now the big question, what to do about it?


7 Apr 11, 2007 21:13

Thinks I've found a fix. I went tracking back through the old 0.x bug reports and came across this post

I changed b2upload.php as suggested and all now seems well with the world (till the next one ;) )

Thanks for the help :)

Oh the permissions on uploaded files now end up as "-rwxr-xr-x"


8 Apr 12, 2007 00:10

*calls lawyers back* "relax, they bought the blonde card ....."

Not that I was worried about being sued :|


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