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1 Apr 10, 2007 09:04    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

Hi all:
Before I start, I must say I'm amateur at best when it comes to codes and script so if you can help could you please be a little detailed so simple me can understand.

I've worked out that because I want to gain decent stats from my feeds I can't do that in B2 because the feed files are XML and so I cannot place java into them from my current stat programs. So I want to utilise feedburner which can help me. Now, I can easily place links to my feedburner in my skin but I'm wanting to work out how I can direct people to my feedburner links when they click on feed icons in things like IE7 or Firefox or when their own feed reader searches my blog for feeds. Based on what I'm reading I could do this by adding some sort of redirect into the feeds. Do I do this directly into the feed files or could I do this simply by some kind of redirect in my CPanel? Oh, and how?
Thanks in advance
*I'm using 1.9.2

2 Apr 10, 2007 15:44

ozstephan wrote:

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

Hi all:
Before I start, I must say I'm amateur at best when it comes to codes and script so if you can help could you please be a little detailed so simple me can understand.

I've worked out that because I want to gain decent stats from my feeds I can't do that in B2 because the feed files are XML and so I cannot place java into them from my current stat programs. So I want to utilise feedburner which can help me. Now, I can easily place links to my feedburner in my skin but I'm wanting to work out how I can direct people to my feedburner links when they click on feed icons in things like IE7 or Firefox or when their own feed reader searches my blog for feeds. Based on what I'm reading I could do this by adding some sort of redirect into the feeds. Do I do this directly into the feed files or could I do this simply by some kind of redirect in my CPanel? Oh, and how?
Thanks in advance
*I'm using 1.9.2

Open your skin's _main.php file and look for similar lines like the one I have below:

			<meta name="rss:link" content=""/>
			<meta name="rss:language" content="<?php locale_lang() ?>"/>
			<!-- <meta name="rss:image" content=""/> -->
			<link rel="alternate" type="text/xml" title="RDF" href="" />
			<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="RSS .92" href="" />
			<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="RSS 2.0" href="" />
			<link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" title="Atom" href="" />

Don't look for an exact format like that, as that's my version.

If you check b2e's "custom skin" the codes are like:

	<link rel="alternate" type="text/xml" title="RSS 2.0" href="<?php $Blog->disp( 'rss2_url', 'raw' ) ?>" />
	<link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" title="Atom" href="<?php $Blog->disp( 'atom_url', 'raw' ) ?>" />

Just change it to appear like mine above.

Then make a post on your blog saying that they have to update their Feed Links. Since they are using your b2e feed link, they will surely get it, since they're subscribed directly to your b2e feeds. Then they will just have to switch to your feedburner feed.

There is also a feature in feedburner that will give you an option to redirect people from your old feed link to your new feed link, but that I haven't tried (and their explanation is confusing). You may want to ask someone who used that feature or ask a feedburner support.

Hope that helps.


JCuneta BlogNet

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