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1 Apr 14, 2007 14:39    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered


I made a custom skin without login capabilities (because at first I didn't have any need for users to log in). I always accessed the back end directly for making new posts.

Now I want to allow users to register just so they can subscribe to my blog. I added the following into my skin:

	// Administrative links:
	user_login_link( '', '<br />' );
	user_register_link( '', '<br />' );
	user_admin_link( '', '<br />' );
	user_profile_link( '', '<br />' );
	user_subs_link( '', '<br />' );
	user_logout_link( '', '<br />' );

The login link shows up, but after putting in my password it sends me back to the blog and the login link is still there. It doesn't show the extra options (account settings, logout, etc.) that logged in users get. Is there something else I need to add? (the skins that came with B2 work just fine)

2 Apr 17, 2007 21:48

That should be all you need. Strange that it works in a packaged skin but not yours because, quite frankly, it's a really simple bit to add to your skin. Got link where we can see this failure? I'll sign up just to see what I get.

3 Apr 22, 2007 09:24

Thanks for the reply, and sorry for the delay. I moved recently and have been without internet.

You can see the blog here:

I added a simple "if X variable is defined, show the login stuff" and then made a new stub file (logtest.php) which passes that variable. That way, you and I can see the login info but my normal viewers won't know it's there. I hate letting people see stuff that isn't working yet (seems so unprofessional).

By the way, do you know where I can change the appearance of the login screen? The manual says "it's in admin/XXXX.php" but that doesn't make any sense at all.

Thanks for the help! I look forward to hearing what you find.

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