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1 Apr 17, 2007 15:24    

My b2evolution Version: 0.9.x

Despite a captcha plugin, I've been getting comment spam [url=]like this[/url] for a while now. The content is always much the same as the linked example:

 Comment from:
nfdsxlln [Visitor]
· Edit
[URL=]dokdaxux[/URL] vixkytjq frkalasg nddqrxdh ekprlhjv 

It's pointless gibberish. Just why are they bothering?? I can understand spam that has real links in it, but what's the point of this crud?

I get it pretty much daily and it's getting on my nerves..

2 Apr 17, 2007 16:03

If you do not use the bbcode plugin you can safely add "[URL=" (without the quotation marks of course) to your local antispam list. That will block spammers who, for some reason, think bbcode works everywhere.

3 Apr 17, 2007 16:04

Oh and I think they are doing it to have fun. Some people golf. Some people bowl. Some people spam. Besides are you sure the website linked doesn't exist?

4 Apr 17, 2007 16:13

You could be right :) Ah well, hopefully when I fix the upgrade the problem will be reduced/gone

5 Apr 19, 2007 19:38

My most common spam is from with text "Google is a great search engine".

I can only guess they want me to block it, this would cause me to get very few hits, who knows how the minds of the lower forms of life work.

6 Apr 19, 2007 20:07

I call that "fun" spam because it's probably just fun for someone to do. Like breaking windows with rocks, or blowing up frogs with firecrackers. "Fun" if you're into that sort of thing.

You can ban that sentence, but it's not unreasonable for a real comment to contain it. Especially if you're like me and always point out how google is evil. Sooner or later someone (who hasn't woken up for a couple of years) will tell you "google is a great search engine" just to set you straight. Small price if it blocks the spam that's targeting you?

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