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1 Apr 25, 2007 10:39    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

I really looked around everywhere on the web and this forum and I find that there's still no importer available for WordPress, which is a big pity because I would really consider switching.

I even tried using a WP MT export plugin, but b2evolution doesn't recognize that as a valid file when I tried to import it.

So I think b2evo would benefit hugely by having an importer. I studied the WP database and it's not too complex and surely the b2evolution team can write an importer without much trouble.

In fact, WP currently also has a XML export format and surely the b2evolution team can use that file too to allow imports.

This TODO is nearly three years old, but I've not seen any progress yet. Or cannot find any forum posts here which refer to any developments in this regard.

I've looked at almost every blogging platform available and either
(a) they don't import properly from WP.
(b) they don't have the features I want.

WordPress seems to be a kind of "end-destination" at the moment because it has a lot of importers, but very few other blog software has decent exporting from WP.


2 Apr 25, 2007 15:19

I'm looking into it now. If there's not an established method for this, then I'll help you work one out. I've coaxed the MT importer into accepting import files from Blogger and I've modified it to make a LiveJournal importing plugin. I'm sure we can do this for Wordpress, too. If you can put your Wordpress export file (in MT format) online and give me the url, I'll take a look at it and see if I can tell what's causing the error.


3 Apr 25, 2007 15:25

Thanks a lot.

I'm currently testing in localhost, so the files are not online.

However, I can send you the export file through attachment if you like. However it's more than 1 MB because my blog contains around 210 post and 900+ comments or so.

Besides I'm thinking about starting a separate b2evo blog and leaving my earlier blog alone for the sake of preserving archives. (or is it possible to keep WordPress-like permalinks in b2evolution)

PS. I'll probably create another test installation of WP in localhost without my posts so that the export file is smaller.

4 Apr 25, 2007 16:16

A smaller file would be a great way to test the importer. You can post it here as an attachment. We can talk by email if we need to exchange some info that you don't want publicly available. However, I think other people may benefit from this conversation, so the forum works well to archive our process.

Regarding permalinks, you have a few options. b2evolution doesn't currently do permalinks like Wordpress. Ours look like this: /2007/4/25/your_post_title b2evolution 2.0 will be much more flexible when it comes to permalinks. You'll be able to remove the date, use dashes instead of underscores and more. In 2.0 you'll be able to match your Wordpress permalinks. But 2.0 isn't out yet. You can also set up 301 redirects, which would tell users and search engines that each page has moved.

If you decide to leave your old posts in Wordpress for now, you can always import them once 2.0 is out and you're able to preserve the urls.


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