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1 Apr 26, 2007 03:30    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

Recently, I have been unable to logon to my Blog. I put in my user name and password, and it just comes back with a cleared login form and says "You must login!"

I recently upgraded to 1.9.2 using Fantasico and my hosting service. I believe this is when my problem began, but not sure.

The password and user name I am using are correct. Been using them regularly for 3.5 months since I first installed b2evolution. The link to "Lost your password" didn't help.

Any help would be appreciated.


2 Apr 26, 2007 08:53

Lets try the simple stuff first :-

1) Clear your cookies
2) Hit


3 Apr 26, 2007 17:52

I deleted my cookies but still have same problem.


4 Apr 26, 2007 18:14

3) upload all the files once again. Often a file gets corrupted during upload.

5 Apr 27, 2007 00:37

Sounds reasonable, but using Fantastico, I can only delete, then reinstall. So what would be the best option:

Back up important files, which ones (and w/o admin access), using FTP probably only way.


get a download and FTP files to server? Again, how to backup and restore posts, etc without admin access?


6 Apr 27, 2007 01:48

Ignore Fantastico. Using your cpanel you can back up your database through either the 'backup' utility (which will allow you to restore it also if need be), or go to phpmyadmin and use that utility to create a backup. The second method isn't as easy as the first, so go with the first.

Also back up all your files using an FTP program like Filezilla or whatever you like. Connect to your server via FTP and download to your computer all the files that b2evolution made. You will especially need the conf/_basic_config.php file because that connects to your database.

Now delete all the files from your server. The database, and therefore your posts, are still there - it's just the files that are gone. ByeBye 1.9.2!

Download 1.9.3 and unzip it on your computer. Now edit the new conf/_basic_config.php file and transfer a few lines from your old one to your new one. A few lines to connect to your database, your $baseurl, your $admin_email, and $config_is_done. Upload this new version to where Fantastico had the previous version. Point your browser to yourdomain/yourpath/install/index.php and tell it you're upgrading. It'll do a few little things to make your database match 1.9.3, and you're done.

Fantastico will cry. It won't be able to upgrade for you, but so what: you're one step ahead of them anyway. Only once in recorded history did Fantastico actually install the latest version. As soon as 1.9.3 came out that ended.

At this point you'll have all the old stuff on your computer, and the new stuff on your server, so see if you can log in. If not see if the "lost password" link works. Oh and don't be surprised if the lost password email is trapped by a spam blocker. It happens sometimes.

7 May 02, 2007 18:42

I did the things you suggested. I am now at 1.9.3, but still have the same problem.

When I select "Lost your password", it sends me an email with a link, but when I click it, just sends me back to the login screen.


8 May 03, 2007 16:04

Got a link to your blog?

10 May 03, 2007 18:01

First thing I notice is that when I click your header link, which in theory goes back to your blog, I get a very different URL. does not contain the www bit, and has a double-slash after "blog". I'd be curious where that double slash is coming from, and fix that.

Let's see... your $baseurl in conf/_basic_config.php is supposed to end in a trailing slash so that's probably okay. Shouldn't have 2 slashes though, so maybe that's where the second is coming from. Oh and if you really want the www part (so your visitors know for sure your web is on the world wide web?) you'll have to add it to that place in that file.

The next place I can think of where you might have an extra slash is ... Blog settings? I can't imagine where though, but it would probably be a preceding slash that doesn't need to be there. But I really can't guess where you'd find it.

Hopefully someone else will come along and figure out why you don't get logged in to your profile when you follow the "lost password" link, and where this extra slash is coming from.

11 May 03, 2007 18:22


There was an extra slash at the end in the url in the _basic_config.php. Now I can login again.

Thanks for your help.


12 Jun 06, 2007 22:25

thanks for the help, had the same problem but after a reinstall and fixing that file it worked perfect....not upgrading with fantastico ever again

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