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1 May 02, 2007 17:50    

My b2evolution Version: 1.8.x

Hello all

I did a google search for my blog this morning and nothing came up! My posts used to show up in a Google Search, but it's been a while since I checked, so I don't know how long this has been happening.

I logged into my Google Webmaster Tools Account to take a look. There is a whole mess of 'HTTP Errors listed. What looks strange though is that after each link, it is followed by "=1=1=1=1". When the link is double clicked, a screen pops up with the following error-'The parameters of your request are invalid. ' And-'Illegal value received for parameter «blog»!'
Here is an example of a link

What caused this, and how can I fix it?

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

The path to my Blog is HTTP://

2 May 04, 2007 09:41

Could be a problem with the google tools thing? It looks like you're now using "clean" permalinks, so the URLs with the various parameters identified are no longer an issue (though in some places you'll still see them).

Anyway are you having trouble with anything other than that google tool? Is the blog itself working, and are you seeing traffic from search engines?

Oh and you should upgrade to 1.9.3 before the 1.8.* generation gets really old. Just because. The guadeloupe skin is, I'm pretty sure, available for 1.9.* so your mods will be easy to bring to the upgrade.

3 May 07, 2007 06:54

Thanks for your reply EdB

I think that was the problem. I had the wrong permalink box checked. I must have forgot to check it after I upgraded from 0.0.* to this version.

I see now that the links are looking and working properly after a Google search.

I know I should consider upgrading to the 1.9.* version, but first I'll peruse this forum to see if anybody has run into problems, or has successfully upgraded with the guadeloupe skin.

Thanks again for looking into this permalink problem for me.

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