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1 May 15, 2007 06:56    

My b2evolution Version: 1.9.x

I have my blog set to showing 15 posts per page, but is there a way to show a different amount of posts in the rss feed?

I know it has something to do with the $posts_per_page function, but i just cant figure out how to set it to a different number when using different skins.

2 May 15, 2007 10:45

create a file called hacks.php and paste the following code into it :

$is_feed = ( isset( $_GET['tempskin' ] ) ? $_GET[ 'tempskin' ] : NULL );

if( in_array( $is_feed, array( '_atom', '_rdf', '_rss', '_rss2' ) ) )
	$posts = 99; // change this to the number of posts you want in your feeds

Save the file and upload it to your /conf/ folder.


3 May 15, 2007 11:05

Worked like a charm. Thank you!

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