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1 May 18, 2007 15:46    

we got over 700 different reports of spam that looks more like an email address than a link, but they've often got the ht[i][/i]tp:// or just the // part preceding the name. In other words, stuff like "//bob@whatever.tld". What the heck is the point of spam like that? Since we've got so many reports it's hard for me to believe people are just typing these things into their antispam tab, and some of these keywords have multiple reporters, meaning to me people are actually clicking a ban symbol next to these "links". Is it possible to have a URL with an @ in it? Are these maybe like when spammers are on vacation so they do fun spam instead of pushing whatever it is that makes them money?

I'm thinking I should just ignore them but I figured I'd ask the forums what the heck this stuff is all about.

2 May 18, 2007 15:57

You can have an @ in a url when you're also passing on user/pwd data as part of the link, but I think some genius has written a crap piece of spam software that can't tell the difference between "enter your email" and "enter the url of the site you own that tries to shove diet pills down slim peoples necks".

Either that or it's a genius user of the afore mentioned crap software that has difficulty reading the instructions as you often get spammed with "default" settings as well.


3 May 18, 2007 16:03

okay cool. "stupid rookie spammers" makes more sense than "spammers on vacation" :-/ So from an antispam central POV I'll just make them go away.

4 May 30, 2007 09:03

I think that there are many business using softwares like Email Extractor to get your email on all kind of websites and send spam mails to you.

5 Aug 11, 2007 01:05

It's irritating more than effective, that's why i think it's better to remove it as spam

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