2 edb May 20, 2007 23:59

Edb - Do you have the css for that img class="center" ? Evidently that was in that guy's css style sheet, but I don't have that in anything. I would love to be able to use class="center."
@import url(../../rsc/css/basic.css); /* Import basic styles */
That line at the top of your skin's style sheet will include the basic.css file, which contains the "center" class - and a handful of others. It, and a few others, should be in the top of your skin. Not all skins include the includables though.
.center {
text-align: center;
That's the bit for the center style.
Thanks Edb..
sammymaudlin wrote:
<a href="http://www.jdoqocy.com/click-2421398-10375111">
<img src="http://www.lduhtrp.net/image-2421398-10375111" width="728" height="90" alt="Get 25 FREE MP3s!" border="0"/></a>
You probably want the advertiser needs you, don't you? Then add the rel="follow" to the link in order to prevent him to improve its position in the SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages). Moreover, Google's begun a fight against publishers selling links on their sites. They don't like those publishers, since they help advertisers to avoid buying [url=http://adwords.google.com/]Google AdWords[/url]. See [url=http://www.mattcutts.com/blog/how-to-report-paid-links/]that post[/url] on [url=http://www.mattcutts.com/blog/]Matt Cutts' blog[/url], the guy at the [url=http://www.mattcutts.com/]head of the Google Webspam team[/url].
Thanks EdB. I just now got a chance to try this and it almost worked. I correctly loaded and stacked my headers and the width increase from 728-740 worked like a charm. My overall header area though did not double in height to accomodate for both and instead the start of main blog are overlapped it. Do you know how to push the main area down?
In your skin's style sheet look for something like this, then change it to this and see what happens.
div.pageHeader {
padding: 0px;
margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px;
height: 200px;
Worked like a charm. Thanks, as always, EdB.
Regarding upgrading- I'm pretty intimidated by it honestly. I have done so much customization and the thought of doing it all over is... frightening. Any tips on preserving current customization?
Backup your skins/yourskin/_main.php and if you make trash while tinkering just throw out the trash and use your backup. No worries that way right?
So now in that file find the bit that makes this part of your blog:
Now add your new bit right above the existing rotating banner code:
Note that I added [ class="center" ] to your new banner. Dig that it is 12 pixels narrower than the image you're using, so those 12 pixels gotta go somewhere. Your skin picks up that class but I'm not sure it'll do what it should for you when added to an image. Worst case you remove the class and tell the new image it's 740 wide and hope it doesn't look too bad when stretched a wee bit like that.
Oh and upgrade. At least 1.9.3 because there's no sense in not upgrading due to customization. The longer you wait the harder it will be when your only option for whatever reason is to upgrade.