2 personman May 22, 2007 16:49

When I upgraded I just went into my control panel and it said update available, click here. So I clicked it and it did everything for me. Then when it was done I just pasted my custom.css and main.php that I had previously edited back in. Here are the shortcuts you asked for.
Is there really no domain before the 'admin.php'? Or did you take that part out? If that's exactly what the links are, then that's the problem.
That is copied exactly as it appears from the shortcuts, how do I fix it?
I'm looking into what may be causing this. In the meantime, you can try pasting those urls into your browser and manually typing in your domain before the admin.php part. You should see the appropriate pages, I just want to confirm that that does work.
If you're not comfortable digging around in php files and making changes, then you could create a temporary ftp logon for me and I'll be happy to take a look.
Could you also check in /conf/_basic_config.php and see what the baseurl is set to?
Does anything else not work? Check the permalinks in your blog posts, or better yet, paste in your url and I'll check it.
This what the base url is set to in config -
$baseurl = 'http://ijustgotblogged.com//';
my website is www.ijustgotblogged.com
You could also download a new copy of the zip file, unzip it on your computer, delete the entire /inc/ folder from your server, and upload the /inc/ folder from your brand new unzip. That'll take care of any corrupted file in the inc folder, just in case that's the problem. Fresh copy though because you never know which part of the upgrade process corrupted a file - if that is the problem.
Will doing this affect any part of my database or mysql or anything that has to do with my posts and comments. I can't risk losing any of my posts and some are paid sponsored posts.
Replacing the /inc/ folder won't hurt your database in any way shape or form, but try getting rid of the second slash at the end of your $baseurl first. It only needs one, so that seems like an easier step to take. Shorter too because you will only have to upload one file.
I removed the extra / in -
and it worked everything is working normal.
Great news. Thanks for your help, Ed.
Please right click on those tabs and choose "copy shortcut", then paste the urls in here. I'd like to compare them to what is normally there. That will help us see where the problem is. I suspect that when you upgraded you didn't get all the files copied in.