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1 May 22, 2007 16:42    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

Is there a phpbb2 shared log-in plug-in for b2eveolution or a bridge or plug-in for some other similar forum script?

Thanks in advance.

2 May 22, 2007 16:53


There's been several posts about trying to integrate it, and a few about the ldap plugin as a starting point, but nobody's posted any code/plugin that's done this

fancy being the first?


4 May 22, 2007 17:08

I'm working on a rough method of doing exactly this. In my mind it will magically become a plugin, but in reality it will remain a stupid ugly set of instructions that I have to follow every now and then.

Once I'm done I'll gladly share what I've learned with someone who knows how to write a plugin, just in case someone wants to.

5 May 22, 2007 19:40

That sounds good, ed. Keep us posted on how you get on, even if it is a kludge to begin with.

6 May 24, 2007 01:22

I have some time so I'm starting to work on this. My primary goal is to give a blog to all the members of a specific group in my phpbb installation their own blog. I do not anticipate using stub files for this, but the autoblog plugin has all sorts of tricks that I would eventually like to take advantage of.

Anyway here's one question in my mind that views will be appreciated on. Should the user_id from phpbb become the user_id for b2evolution, or should b2evolution just go in order? I'm thinking of matching IDs because no one can change that in either application, but in b2evolution people can change it - and in fact b2evo will turn upper case characters into lower case. So like EdB here would become edb there.

I'm thinking grab an array of users from the phpbb database, then one by one insert them into the b2evolution database. Each installation of a user will also include giving them a blog with full permissions in that blog. Also each new blogger will have permission to post in one shared blog.

Thoughts as I plod through this will be greatly appreciated. Anything from how it should work to what functions and methods and what-nots will be helpful!!!

BTW I'm already figuring on this being a "run once then worry about the next members of the specific group later" approach...

8 Aug 25, 2007 20:07

up, Got a 503 error :-(

i'm looking for a b2evolution/phpbb integration

9 Aug 30, 2007 18:30

I have been looking for a solution that is very similar to what has been discussed in this thread. Unfortunately, I couldn't access for EdB's documentation. Is this available anywhere else?

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