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1 May 22, 2007 19:57    

Since vBulletin doesn't have an official blog system I decided to use the newest b2 for an addon to our vB site. In other implementations of blogs I've done I found it a problem to have comments turned on because of crappy and spamming comments. So I had an idea that maybe there was a way to integrate it with vB.

-only vB members could post a comment
-the comment would include the blog story title and link, plus the comment
-the comment would be posted as a new thread in vB
-any more comments on that b2 article would be placed in that same vB thread

Any ideas?

2 May 22, 2007 20:40

Dang, just read that vB has a blog system that integrates coming out within the month!

I really like b2 but we are going to have to use vB even though I'm sure they are going to charge a bunch for it.

I'll use b2 for a different site though.

3 May 25, 2007 16:47

This topic has been discussed to death, i think it was decided that it was possible, except no one was going to bother doing it...

A extensive and good read about the subject is found a few topics below this one, here

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