2 edb May 26, 2007 08:20

Thank You for your reply!
At the linkblog I have no problem: the order is as the history of your world: the first, first and the last, last...
But when we go to blogs A and B on the side bar the posts of the linkblog appears in inverse order: the last, first, and the first at the bottom....
What is the problem.....?
No my friend: they go in ALPHABETICAL order. About... then Coach... then GRUPO... If that happens to be exactly opposite your chronological order it is by accident because it truly is alphabetizing them. Look at the linkblog on my page at http://wonderwinds.com and you will see that my linkblog categories are in no order (actually numeric but a visitor could not guess that), but all the links in each category in the linkblog are in alphabetical order.
It'd be nice to be able to set up how those things get structured, but we can't. :(
And how do you put "just links " at the bottom, as I want ?
And if they go in ALPHABETICAL order, why "comics" after "just links" ?
According to your reply, I changed the title of the "About" post to "Sobre...." and this is working now...
Thank you ! As always you make me study a lot and I learn a lot, created the categories in blog links and all is running, now...
but if they go in ALPHABETICAL order, why "comics" after "just links" ?
How can I change or define the order of the categories as you did ?
Linkblog categories (comics, just links) are in category number order. I know of no way to change that either.
Do you mean the linkblog - at the bottom of your sidebar? If so you're looking at something that is in alphabetical order and, to the best of my knowledge, has never been altered to be chronological (up or down) in the history of the world. If you become the first to make it happen I hope you share how it's done!