2 monarch Jun 01, 2007 06:58

The plugin Monarch mentions is called [url=http://plugins.b2evolution.net/index.php/2006/08/25/autoblog_plugin_for_1_8]autoblog[/url], but back to the questions you will only need one installation. B2evolution can handle hundreds of bloggers and hundreds of blogs. Thousands begins to push the envelope given the tools (php and mysql) used. So yeah just do one installation and figure on half an hour for each blogger you want to set up. Less once you get the hang of it - and figure out how your installation will behave. "Admin" for a blog that gives blogs and/or permissions to new bloggers is like a job. Have a handy cheat sheet of how you go about giving a new blogger a new blog and associated permissions, and the 'work' will take less time each time.
awesome. i am setting it up right now.
as far as managing each ones individual identity...is there a css way to put a different logo with each, or i saw something about using stub files to mess with this???
thanks again
By far the easiest way would be to set up a bunch of blogs on one instance. You can create a new blog by simply logging into the admin area and clicking on"blog settings" and then "list". At the bottom you should see "new blog". Once you set up the blog you can set which members can do what in it (post, delete, ect.)
There is also a plug-in that can automatically create a new blog for each user to save you time. I dont have the link to it, but just search for it in the plugins section if you want: http://plugins.b2evolution.net/.
Hope that helps!