2 yabba Jun 02, 2007 19:03

Thanks for the information.
I forgot to add in my previous post that it should be accessible outside of b2evo (i.e. from the administration interface of Joomla). So, in that case, what should I include? From diggin up the sourcode, I think the wollowing should be included at the very least:
or am I missing something else?
Anyway, I'll test this tomorow.. or rather today (it's 1:30am here... need to get my rest)
Totally off the top of my head, you should get away with adding /conf/_config.php & inc/_main.inc.php ( *fairly* sure it loads User class ..... but don't quote me, it's been a long day ;) )
Between them they *should* load db / groups / user, which is all you should need ( and loads of extra stuff you don't need )
If you pick a subject I'll split this post off into it's own thread ;)
You can create your own users using something like :-
this will trigger AfterUserInsert(); take a look through inc/model/users/_user.class.php for all the funky stuff you can set ;)
God knows what gets called in the admin bit without looking through the code, if you can't find it give me a shout.