2 osdave Nov 23, 2007 12:44
Sorry to drag up an old thread. But, did anyone get this to work? I was wondering how I would set it up so I could just enter in the ID and embed the TeacherTube video.
It does embed, but it's a video of "Ask a ninja" explaining podcasts.
hi Tassie,
I don't know if you still need to include teachertube videos or if you get it yourself, anyway here is to do it (for you or other people).
Open plugins/videoplug_plugin/_videoplug.plugin.php and find:
Just after that, add:
Then, find
and after it add:
That's it!!.
When tou clic on the TeacherTube button in the writing screen to add the video, you'll just have to enter the $HTTP_GET_VALUE['viewkey'] (the only get param in the URL).
Hope it helps you.
ps: you could also enter the languages values, if you want so.
see you