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1 Jun 17, 2007 21:11    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

hi i have a web site where i would like users to be able to create their own blogs. ideally i would like users to be able to setup their blogs without any requirement for me to be involved. can b2evolution do this and are there examples of some web sites using it like this? i had a quick look in the site showcase forum but all the ones i looked at seemed to be just for 1 blog.

2 Jun 17, 2007 23:02

You can simply install the b2evolution blog and additionally a plugin called [url=]autoblog[/url]. That way every time someone registers they will get their own blog automatically.

Here's a site i found that has this: Just click on "register" and you will see an option that says "New blog" with a checkbox next to it. I dont know how the owner will feel about you just making a test blog though...

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