My b2evolution Version: 1.9.2
so the forum was down a couple of days and my heavy discussed and not yet solved posting is gone... >:-<
Sadly I can´t remember eyerything I´ve written last time... but what it makes worse, the helpful answers are gone as well... f**k!
balupton, can you help me out again?
I wanted to have one of my blogs with a hide/expand javascript function, what is working thanks to you... but I wanted the first posting visible whereas all others are hidden... I know, you´ve integrated and tested it on your own page, could you please re-post the solution... and if possible with a small instruction, where I have to integrate the if-loop where your code asks if its the first posting and as well as the other two parts of code? I only remember that there were three parts of code in your last posting regarding this subject... and I didn´t copied it locally because I had still some open questions...
Thaks again..
Replied to your email, what a fucking bitch the forums going down is... Lost like 100 posts in that duration!