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1 Jul 06, 2007 14:12    

My b2evolution Version: Not Entered

Sorry, for my newbie question, i didnt dind answer on this forum....

Is it possible to see which articles (posts) were read? I mean i know that somebody go to my blog but i don't know what does he read there..... and what not.....
i would like to see for each user how many articles he read...and if possible how many time it is opne in his browser...or just total time spended on blog

Secondly i would like to use a MORE FUNCTION to separate introduction with main content.... but this tag is not supported in engine.... i see button but it is not working.... what i do wrong?

p.s. so i have to use next page function which is not beautifull..

p.p.s. if the functionality i ask is more then b2 can offer please suggest other blog in private message.... i am running only one personal blog...
Thanks'for help guys!

2 Jul 19, 2007 04:33

You can see what posts were read by looking at the "Views"

If you really want to get more details, you have to look at the b2evo hitlog tables via mySQL.

How much time a user has a post open is almost impossible to know. You can never know with certainty unless you're using some 3rd party cookie traffic method. Your hosting provider may know more about this option.

The More function works pretty well. <!MORE>. It is the one with the <!M> in the buttons. I use it from time to time.

not sure what your question was on Next Page Function.

I would suggest looking at the "most recent updated blogs" list and see what other people are doing in their blogs. you'll get good ideas of the features.

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