2 edb Jul 11, 2007 22:55

My b2evolution Version: 1.9.x
Hi All.
I am new to the forums and have been searching around for information on this to no avail. First a bit of background. I have B2evolution 1.9.3 with 1 blog and about 50 posts, and I make 5 to 7 posts per week. I have about 25 regular readers (friends and family).
I would like to make my blog more private. Ultimately I only want friends and family to be able to see it. To that end, I think I need to do 2 things:
1 Make it so that only registered user can view the blog.
2 Require administrator approval to register for the blog.
It is my understanding that I can accomplish #1 by making all of my posts Protected.
Is there a way to accomplish #2? A work around could be could creating 2 user groups. One which is the default group for new users, and has no access to the blog, and one which does have access to the blog. When a user registers, the administrator has to move them into the group that has access to the blog. However, I do not think that the admin would get a notification of a new user so they would not know when a new users register.
I would like a more simple way to accomplish number 2. If anyone has advise please do share.
If you use my turing test plugin you can set a question of "enter in the secret word" with an answer that is not available anywhere on the blog - you tell people you want to register what it is. That way no one can register if they don't know your secret word. When a registered member makes a comment they will automagically get credit for knowing the secret word, so it'll do what you want.