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1 Jul 15, 2007 00:35    

My b2evolution Version: 1.9.x

My first blog!!
I have downloaded two plugins into "My documents" folder in my computer
How do i get them into my plugins folder to then activate them? simple techy stuff i guess

2nd Question
A bonus contact.php is available i understand but where do you get it from ? and which section of site do you put it?

3 Jul 19, 2007 22:39

Thanks but files will not upload as wrong file extensions and zipped file is over 1.0mb for weather file and unzipped sections in German plugin are html not valid file extensions for uploads
I am mystified when these plugins are supposed to be made for b2 evolution
Can you help?

4 Jul 19, 2007 22:46

Check the version of the plugin. A 0.9.x plugin will not work in a 1.8.x blog etc.
Unzip the download and upload a complete folder if there is a folder in the zip or upload individual files if there isn't.
The plugin should show up in the Back office

Regarding your second question about the contact.php: this is already in your blog. Search for "contact the Admin" probably in the footer. You can duplicate the code from skins/(yourskin)/_main.php and place it somewhere else.

Good luck

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