1 bootz Jul 19, 2007 16:42
3 bootz Jul 19, 2007 19:51
yep i tried password recovery it failed...
sorry afwas im a newbie... are u referring to a database file, or do you mean to add a new table or field via php myadmin?
4 afwas Jul 19, 2007 19:58
You can enter the database through phphMyAdmin or cPanel or IIS. Look for a table called evo2_users and a field called user_pass. In it is the md5 key for your password.
Next make a new couple password <--> md5(password). Try http://www.netadvies.nl/cgi-bin/md5.cgi -it's Dutch, but you only need to type your new password in the box and hit the button.
Now put this md5 string in your database at the evo2_pass field. You can now enter your blog with the new password.
Good luck
Edit: see ¥åßßå's post
5 yabba Jul 19, 2007 20:27
Just to clarify, the table you need to find in phpmyadmin is evo_users, and the field ( column ) is called "user_pass" )
6 afwas Jul 19, 2007 20:33
¥åßßå wrote:
Just to clarify, the table you need to find in phpmyadmin is evo_users, and the field ( column ) is called "user_pass" )
7 yabba Jul 19, 2007 20:42
Afwas wrote:
No problem :D
8 bootz Jul 19, 2007 20:58
thx 2 u both,
it worked wicked and yes i needed clarification, blonde bimbo, Im a bimbo too but its sorted now ahhhh
9 yabba Jul 19, 2007 21:51
bootz wrote:
blonde bimbo, Im a bimbo too but its sorted now ahhhh
Thank god for people like Afwas, or we'd both be lost at sea huh? ;)
10 afwas Jul 19, 2007 21:52
Darn, I'm blonde as well.
11 yabba Jul 19, 2007 22:02
Afwas wrote:
Darn, I'm blonde as well.
to late, we've already designated you as the responsible adult :|
There is a Password recovery option if you try to login.
If this fails there is a second option. The password is stored as md5 in the database. Create a password, md5 this password and store it in the database. Now you can login with your new password.
Good luck