2 yabba Jul 21, 2007 19:44

sorry for the double post, I was so worried about that issue that I wanted to raise my chances to get an answer lol
I've read the docs and add the line needed, and it works perfectly now !
if someone else have this problem, here is what you need to do :
Since version 1.8 b2evo often requires more than the default of 8MB of memory. To change it, set the "memory_limit" php.ini value to e.g. 16M. E.g. in /conf/_basic_config.php add the following line:
ini_set('memory_limit', '16M');
Thanks a lot !
No problem ;)
Bonjour ..........ok, you just exhausted my french
Just a request, please don't double post ( although more people here speak/read/type english you will get a reply on the french forums ;) .... eventually :P )
[url=http://manual.b2evolution.net/System_requirements]This page of the docs[/url] should help you cure things ( the section that starts " memory_limit" )