2 afwas Jul 21, 2007 22:33

hi. i installed autoblog plugin but its not working. i tried registering and posting a test post but it didnt work. i got a 404 page. pls help.
oh guys! maybe you can try it for yourself @ www.eezmol.com
i just thought maybe you'll know better if you see for yourself. just tell me if you want me to delete the blog you've just created. thanks so much.
You are more likely to receive an answer to a queston that is specific to a plugin if you post it in the Plugin & Extensions section of the forum. In this case there is a [url=http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?t=8146&start=120&postdays=0&postorder=asc&highlight=]thread specific to the Autoblog plugin[/url]. Perhaps your answer is already there, perhaps a question in this thread activates the users with experience about the specific plugin.
Good luck
You might be inyterested in the [url=http://www.fralenuvol.com/albero/servizi/webmaster/scripts/b2evolution_autoblog_plugin.php]Autoblog Plugin[/url]. It has the possibility to create a path for (new) users based on stub files and that is basically what you want.
Good luck