2 afwas Jul 25, 2007 21:38
Afwas is spot-on with this. Your links will always work as long as you don't do something to break them. That means if you decide to move your blog from "domain.com/blogs" to "domain.com/blog" you broke all your links. Also if you move categories to a different blog it'll break the permalinks, but it'll also re-write the permalinks on your blog. That means you will break existing bookmarks and links that others have. I differ on the use of stub files, but for sure you can't delete or rename them and expect existing links out there in the wilds to work.
BTW b2evolution tries very hard to make sure that someone visiting your blog will get to the right post. There is a bunch of code in there that says, more or less, "that URL didn't work so maybe I need to check this permalink format ... or that permalink format ... or the other one" until it makes a match. What it can not do is remember that something used to be something else and guess at where the old link is supposed to be pointing to.
So anyway don't change major stuff and you won't have a problem.
EdB wrote:
I differ on the use of stub files, but for sure you can't delete or rename them and expect existing links out there in the wilds to work.
I had a scenario in mind where you change the name of the blog (wich wouldn't cause the permalinksto break) and forget about it and later on change the name of the stub file to match the blog's new name. This causes the permalink to break. That won't happen if you start wit the index.php?blog=2 style permalinks. Then you can change the name of the blog and the name of the stubfile as you please.
Happy blogging
Don't change the base url in ../conf/_basic_conf.php like after moving to another site.
The other part (the name etc) is been taken care of by B2evo. All possible links (you can change the look of them in the backoffice) will still point to the same entry.
Oh, be carefull with deleting stub files. To be certain you'd better use a index.php?blog=2 type of link.
I hope I am complete in this answer. :roll:
Good luck
Edit: found another one:
Allow moving categories:
Check to allow moving categories accross blogs. (Caution: can break pre-existing permalinks!)