2 afwas Aug 09, 2007 16:30

[url=http://www.yhtsai.idv.tw/blogs/index.php?blog=6&cat=14]PolyglotX[/url] may meet your requirement.
This offers a full solution on everywhere you can see on your blog.
(post, post title, interface, etc. all in the specified locale)
[url=http://www.yhtsai.idv.tw/blogs/index.php?blog=6&cat=14]PolyglotX[/url]: A b2evolution plugin for polyglots (Compatible with 1.6 or later)
This 'problem' has been in my thoughts for some time also. I believe there was a previous post.
What if you tried this:
Or something along those lines. This gives you a possible <div class="french"> and a div <div class="english"> you can both use in your post.
This is only a concept. I haven't worked on it or tested.
This is not it, it calls the locale of the blog, I need the locale of the user.
make it:
balupton replied:
balupton wrote:
see also: [url=http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?t=12170&start=0&postdays=0&postorder=asc&highlight=][Plugin] Show/Hide Post Contents