2 jibberjab Jul 29, 2007 21:42

here's the screenshot.
Hope it will help you on figuring it out.
I've tried version 1.9.3 through the direct admin panel (provider) and a direct download 1.10.2 and both give me this problem
Wow, that's... odd. It's like it's not showing you the whole top of the page...
Are you logged in with the admin account? Have you tested a different/better browser (hint: firefox) to see if it happens there too? Is this a completely fresh b2evo installation (i.e. have you modified/hacked anything, installed any 3rd party plugins....) Is that WinVista? If it happens on both installations then it "suggests" (though not necessarily so) that it's something about your computer or your browser... Do you have another computer running a different OS from which you can test?
I'm not sure I'm the one to help you on this but the people who can will want to know...
I Think I'm logged as admin (I'm on level 10)
I'm not all that into computers so no not tested in any other enviromnment.
I'm using XP with IE7.
I did nothing except entering the data in the config file. upload a (test)post.
I'll give it another go tonight and see what gives, but else I'm stuck
If you view your blog, please describe the text of the links that lead to the login. Which of them do you click? I mean something like:
* Log in
* Register...
* Admin
don't know what you mean exactly. I use the link mydomain/b2evolution/admin.php. login and that's the result. There's also a link "backoffice" but the URL is the same a is the result
Try to logout only to login again: yourdomain/b2evolution/blogs/htsrv/login.php?action=logout. If you login again the way you always do, you hit the login screen. Here login as name 'admin' with the password you have gotten at sinstall or that you have set lateron.
We're looking for clues in this mystery.
I have this same problem, using v.1.10.2 and Netscape 7. If I reload once or twice, I can get the tabs back. Also, I don't get an admin link on my default blog. I have to switch to another blog or type in the admin.php url. Or I click the login link and get a login form with the message that I am already logged in. Go figure!
Thanks for reporting. Now that it isn't an isolated case I will pop a note in the bugs section. That will have the dev team take a look in the matter.
[url=http://forums.b2evolution.net//viewtopic.php?t=12258&start=0&postdays=0&postorder=asc&highlight=]Disappearing tabs in backoffice Re: where's the backoffice?[/url]
Good luck
Same problem here. Seems like the _header.php file is not being parsed.
Same issue here as well.
I recently started with a new host leadhoster.com and the install went perfectly until the login when the menu along the top didn't show. Everything seems to work fine. For instance if I put in the address domain.com/blogs/admin.php?ctrl=collections I am able to edit my blog preferences but no mater what I do I can't get the top menu to show.
With this host I don't have access to the error logs so I don't know whats happening. I installed on my local test server hoping to replicate the issue but all works well on fc6 w/ current apache mysql and php.
Does your host allow you to switch from php4 to php5? This feature may be found in your hosts cPanel or equivalent.
Good luck
hum... that screenshot looks like what you get when you use the bookmarklet blogging feature...
In this post: [url=http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?t=12463&start=0&postdays=0&postorder=asc&highlight=][1.10.x] After upgrade, write-post insert buttons don't work[/url] it is reported that the use of some unknown program called Comodo had something to do with it, but that was only one poster reporting this.
Happy coding
A screenshot might help to see exactly what you're seeing, since if you get the tab to make new posts you should be seeing the other tabs as well... Are you logged in under the admin account?